Source is a social experiment designed to eliminate greed and foster abundance for all. By leveraging smart contract blockchain technology, it creates a contribution-driven economy where participants are rewarded with cryptocurrency and crypto assets, such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This system allows individuals of all skillsets, regardless of physical ability, to contribute to the ecosystem and earn Source rewards.
In the spirit of Bitcoin, no Source tokens are pre-minted. Tokens are issued solely as rewards for contributions, with none pre-allocated to the project's founders. Every participant has an equal opportunity to "earn" tokens by contributing code, computational resources, community-approved value propositions, and other forms of value.
The pseudonymous founders, Satamoto Nakoshi, envision a world of abundance free from greed. Their vision is inspired by Nakamoto's Bitcoin Whitepaper, which introduced trustless peer-to-peer systems through encryption and mathematics, as well as the inherent beauty found in nature.

Satamoto Nakoshi
Abstract. A decentralized, peer-to-peer, contribution-driven ecosystem maintained on a distributed ledger using a custom configuration of open-source blockchain software. No tokens are pre-minted; all tokens must be earned through contribution. A worker proposal system ensures work opportunities for every peer via various methods of contribution, as defined by existing and newly peer-reviewed, accepted proposals. This enables widespread economic prosperity within a society governed by a distributed, trustless system of accountability and provable fairness. The network is maintained and governed by pseudonymous accounts tied to each unique peer identity, allowing for economic and political interaction free from manipulation and inefficiencies caused by the inherent greed in human nature.
contribute > earn source tokens

Contribute your unique registration and earn your first tokens

Contribute source code and valuable content to earn tokens

Contribute computational resources by running a node to earn tokens

Contribute your opinion on governance, content curation and dispute resolution to earn tokens

Contribute any work through worker proposals such as referral programs to earn tokens